Dominican Republic birth records
We'll find your Dominican birth record for you!
How much will my Dominican Republic birth certificate cost?
In most cases we charge a total of US$210* =1) US$95* for the search, then
2) US$115 for the certificate (= total of US$210) for an original legalised and apostilled long-form birth certificate including shipping by certified airmail which generally takes between 2 and 8 weeks to arrive. For details and an order form, click on the order button below.
* If the birth took place before 1970, or if you do not know the date or place of birth, we charge US$195 for the search fee (instead of the US$95 quoted above)

Every day, we receive requests for help in obtaining copies of Dominican birth records. These documents are crucial for various purposes, from applying for new passports to staking claims on inheritances. Our dedicated team of clerks travels extensively throughout the Dominican Republic, meticulously searching archives and ledgers in churches, courts, and Dominican registry offices to fulfill these requests.
Types of Birth Record Enquiries
Of all the different types of Dominican public records we handle, birth record enquiries are the most challenging. While marriage certificate requests typically cover the 1960s to the present day, our birth record searches often date back to the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Challenges in Obtaining Old Dominican Birth Records
Searching for old Dominican birth records is not a simple task. Prior to 1945, Dominican registry offices were not centrally managed, and each office had its unique way of working. Proper care to maintain birth ledgers was not always a priority, leading to several challenges:
- Original birth ledgers may no longer exist, with records lost forever.
- Existing ledgers may be in tatters, sent to the Restoration Department in Santo Domingo.
- Located records may be semi-illegible.
- Natural disasters, fires, flooding, carelessness, and inadequate storage conditions have destroyed countless old records.
- Many surviving ledgers are in poor condition, with illegible contents.
Reconstructing Old Dominican Birth Records
In cases where original records are damaged or illegible, we initiate a process known as "restoration of a record." This complex procedure involves:
- Furnishing back-up documentation to the local registry office.
- Seeking approval from the Judicial Department in Santo Domingo.
- Coordinating with the Municipal Board and Fiscal's Office.
- Delivering final documentation to the registry office.
Old Dominican Birth Records
We receive many enquiries relating to the period from 1900 to 1935, often involving the town of San Pedro de Macorís and surrounding areas. This region was once a bustling community attracting migrants from around the Caribbean to work in the booming sugar industry.
To conduct an effective search, we require as much information as possible, including:
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Names of mother and father
It's important to note that many births were registered years after they actually took place, complicating the search process.
Alternative Sources for Dominican Birth Records
In cases where civil registry offices have no birth records, we often turn to alternative sources:
- The cathedral in San Pedro de Macorís has preserved its baptism records.
- Local churches may have records of baptisms.
Limitations and Possibilities
Despite our best efforts, there are limitations to what we can find:
- Without knowing the specific town of birth, locating a record from the early 1900s is extremely challenging.
- Some births may never have been declared to authorities or only registered in local churches.
- In some cases, births may not have been recorded at all.
Our Services
If you need assistance obtaining your Dominican birth certificate or the birth record of a loved one, we're here to help. Our services include:
- Searching for and obtaining birth certificates
- Reconstructing damaged or illegible records
- Exploring alternative sources when official records are unavailable
Contact us today to start your Dominican birth record search. Our experienced team is ready to navigate the complexities of Dominican public records to help you find the information you need.
Dominican birth records: Q&A
- Dominican registry offices: Since 1945, birth records have been recorded in two identical birth ledgers in local registry offices. One stays in the local office, and the other is sent to the Central registry office in Santo Domingo for safe-keeping at the end of the year.
- Dominican churches: Churches have long kept detailed birth and baptism records of their congregations. These records are generally well-maintained and indexed.
- General Archive of the Nation: Located in Santo Domingo, it has a huge collection of old disparate records including birth, death, and marriage records, as well as old shipping manifests.
- Proof of birth from hospital, clinic or the town mayor
- Proof that he has been or not been baptised
- Copy of his mother's cédula/ID card
- Scan of his fingerprints and photos taken by the Junta Central Electoral
- Nowadays, Dominican birth certificates are issued on special coloured security paper.
- Each sheet has its own serial number.
- The certificate has a hologram for security.
- Local registry office where the client was born
- Office of the Old Cédula
- Local churches for the baptism record
- Certified airmail: Included in the price of your certificate, dispatched from the main post office in Santo Domingo. Delivery usually takes 2 to 8 weeks from the date of shipping.
- UPS courier service: Usually takes a few days.
- A copy of the father's cédula (or passport if the father is non-Dominican)
- A copy of the mother's cédula
- A birth certificate of the child which the father wishes to declare as his. If the child was born outside the Dominican Republic, the original birth certificate must first be transcribed in the Dominican civil registry.
- 2 witnesses in possession of their cédulas (or passports if non-Dominican)