Dominican Republic birth records

We can find yours for you!

How much will my Dominican birth certificate cost?

In most cases we charge a total of  US$210* = 1) US$95* for the search, then 2) US$115 for the certificate = total of US$210) for an original legalised and apostilled long-form birth certificate including shipping by certified airmail which generally takes between 2 and 5 weeks to arrive. For details and an order form, go to our Dominican birth certificate order page.

* If the birth took place before 1945, or if you do not know the date or place of birth, we charge US$195 for the search fee (instead of the US$95 quoted above)

The Old Cédula Office in Santo Domingo
Of all the different types of Dominican public records we are asked to trace, search for, and obtain for our clients, the most interesting for us are the Dominican birth record enquiries.

Whereas our marriage certificate enquiries are generally cover the 1990s to the present day, our requests for Dominican birth records are often from the late 1800s and the early 1900s.

If you would like us to quote you to obtain your Dominican birth certificate or the birth record of a loved one, please complete the form on this page, or write to us at the email address below.

Old Dominican birth records

The challenges we face and the situations we have encountered:
  • The original birth ledgers may no longer exist, and the records may have been lost forever.
  • These Dominican birth ledgers may now be in tatters, and may have been sent by the local registry office to the Restoration Department in Santo Domingo
  • We may locate the original birth record either in the local registry office or in the Restoration Department in Santo Domingo, and they may be semi illegible
An old Dominican birth records

Reconstructing old Dominican birth records

We recently had a case where our client requested an original of a family member's birth certificate from 1941. This Dominican birth record dates from a time before Dominican registry offices had to keep 2 original ledgers.

In this case, the original birth ledger from 1941 had been sent by the registry office in San Pedro de Macorís to the Restoration Department in Santo Domingo where we were able to locate the birth record. Unfortunately the birth record was partly illegible and destroyed, so on behalf of our client, we initiated the process known as restoration of a record, which works in the following fashion:

  1. We furnished back-up documentation to the local registry office in San Pedro where our client's wife had been born. We gave them a photocopy of the lady's original birth certificate from 1991, a copy of the lady's current passport, and a copy of the lady's parents' marriage certificate. We also had to hand them a cover letter, oficially requesting the restoration of the birth record.
  2. We returned to the San Pedro registry office where they handed us documentation which in turn we had to hand over to the Judicial Department in Santo Domingo, in which the registry office sought approval from the Judicial Department to authorise the restoration.
  3. We collected the duly authorised record restoration documents from the Judicial Department in Santo Domingo and handed them in to the Municipal Board in San Pedro.
  4. From there we delivered the documentation to the Fiscal's Office in San Pedro
5. Then we fetched the documents from the Fiscal's Office and handed them to the registry office in San Pedro.

Click here to check out our prices and to order a Dominican Republic birth certificate.

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