Dominican baptismal records: FAQs

How much will my Dominican baptism certificate cost?

In most cases we charge a total of  US$210* = 1) US$95* for the search, then 2) US$115 for the certificate = total of US$210) for an original legalised and apostilled long-form baptism certificate including shipping by certified airmail which generally takes between 2 and 5 weeks to arrive. For details and an order form, go to our Dominican baptism certificate order page.

* If the baptism happened took place before 1956, or if you do not know the date or place of baptism, we charge US$195 for the search fee (instead of the US$95 quoted above).

Church in San Pedro has baptism records
Archbishopric with old baptism records

If I wish to order my Dominican baptism certificate with your company, what information do you require from me?
 Ideally, we need to know your name, your parents’ names, date and place of baptism, and the names of your god-parents.

If I don’t have all of the information mentioned above, would you still be able to search for my Dominican baptism record?
Yes, however if you don’t know the name of the church where you were baptized, we shall charge more for the search.

How much do you charge for a Dominican baptism certificate? We work in 2 stages:
  1. SEARCH – If you know the name of the church where you were baptized, we charge US$95 to search. But if you don’t know the name of the church where you were baptized, we charge US$195 for the search.
  2. CERTIFICATE – Once we have located your Dominican baptismal record, we charge an additional US$115 for a legalised and apostilled Dominican baptism certificate. This price also includes shipping by certified airmail which takes about 2 to 5 weeks to arrive. So it would be US$95 for the search plus US$115 for the certificate = US$210.
Where do you search for Dominican baptismal records?
  • Recent/contemporary records (from 1955 to present-day) – We go straight to the church where the baptism took place. Each church has its own standalone, independent baptism records.
  • Old baptismal records – We look in the following places:
    • ARCHBISHOPRIC OF SANTO DOMINGO - The archbishopric of Santo Domingo has baptismal records from 1590 up to the present day. They also have records from the interior, for example they have old baptismal records from Samaná up to 1854, they even have the baptism records of children who were baptized by the former dictator Trujillo between 1955 and 1961.
    • CATHEDRAL OF ST PETER THE APOSTLE IN SAN PEDRO DE MACORÍS – At the beginning of the 20th century, many foreigners lived and worked in San Pedro de Macorís (SPM) and the surrounding areas on the south east coast, so accordingly we receive many requests for baptismal records from this part of the country. In the event that we cannot locate the baptism record in SPM, then we continue our search at the archbishopric in Santo Domingo.
    • GENERAL ARCHIVE OF THE NATION IN SANTO DOMINGO – The General Archive of the Nation has many old Dominican baptismal records from the years 1897 to 1950.
Do Dominican register offices hold baptism records? No, Dominican baptism records are generally stored in the church where the baptism took place.

If a Dominican was baptized overseas, can the overseas baptism record be registered in a Dominican church? No, but the Dominican church will accept the validity of the overseas baptismal certificate.

Is it possible to get a valid civil document, such as a birth certificate or passport, if I present my baptism certificate? No, but Dominican baptism records are often helpful when used as backup documentation when applying for old birth records to be restored or corrected.

What can baptism records be used for? They can be required if the person who was baptized wishes to marry in a church, or if the person wishes to apply to be a nun or monk. They can help us to search for Dominican birth records.

My late grandmother never ever had a birth certificate, she only ever had a baptism certificate. Can I stake a claim on her estate with the baptism certificate? No, but you could use her baptism certificate as proof of your grandmother’s existence when you make an inheritance claim.

What does it actually mean, the fact that I was baptised? The church have told us that a baptism certificate is proof that the person has received his/her first sacrament, ie and was presented before God.