Dominican birth certificates Q&A

How much will my Dominican birth certificate cost?

In most cases we charge a total of  US$210* = 1) US$95* for the search, then 2) US$115 for the certificate = total of US$210) for an original legalised and apostilled long-form birth certificate including shipping by certified airmail which generally takes between 2 and 5 weeks to arrive. For details and an order form, go to our Dominican birth certificate order page.

* If the birth took place before 1945, or if you do not know the date or place of birth, we charge US$195 for the search fee (instead of the US$95 quoted above)

Haina birth records
The Old Cédula Office in Santo Domingo
The Old Cédula Office in Santo Domingo

If I order my birth certificate from you, when will I have it in my hands?
It depends on many factors but the absolute quickest would be in about one week. 

Once you've paid our search fee, we start our search. If we're lucky, your birth record is already in the registry-office's database, which means it's been assigned a unique event number. Then, when we next visit the Central Registry Office - we do this on Tuesdays and Fridays - we can give them your event number and request a draft copy of your birth record. We then scan and email to you this draft record, and ask you to reply and point out any mistakes which are on the record, such as misspelling of people's or place names, and incorrect dates of birth etc. We then attempt to have the errors corrected. Then we invoice you for the actual birth certificate. So if you were to pay us on a Monday, and we were lucky and found your record with its unique event number in the database, we'd be able to fetch your draft record on our Tuesday visit to the Central Registry Office, scan it and send it to you for your perusal. If there were no errors in the record and you were to pay us by Thursday for the certificate, we'd be able to obtain your original Dominican birth certificate on the Friday and dispatch it to you by Express Mail Service that same day. The above is a best-case scenario.

Why would anyone need a new Dominican birth certificate?
There are many reasons why someone might need a birth certificate years later:
  • the original certificate may have been burned in a fire, or destroyed in a flood
  • the Dominican birth certificate is required to obtain a passport
  • because the applicant may be getting married
  • because the applicant may never have been told who his father was, and is curious to discover who is listed as his father in his birth record
  • to stake a claim on an inheritance
  • for unspecified court purposes

I am trying to access an original copy of my Dominican birth certificate because the one I have is in a format that is no longer accepted for identification in the United States. Can you help? Yes, old certificates often had no serial number and were issued on a typewriter. Nowadays Dominican birth certificates are issued on special colored paper featuring holograms and "event" numbers. The event number is the unique number in the registry offices' database for your particular birth record. So these days Dominican birth certificates are issued by printers directly connected to the registry offices' database. 

I do not know which town my husband was born in. In spite of this, will you be able to locate this birth record?  If your husband's birth is one of the millions of Dominican birth records which have not yet been computerized or entered into the registry-offices' database, without knowing where he was born, we wouldn't find it when running a search. On the other hand, if his Dominican birth record IS in the database, or if you can give us the cédula (Dominican ID card) numbers of his mother and/or father, then there's a high chance we'll find it.

I am a foster child in the US. My original birth certificate was lost. I need my Dominican birth certificate to apply for citizenship. Thanks, please fill out our form on this page and we'll send you a quotation.

I am an investigator with the New York State Police. I need verification that a Dominican birth certificate presented to us is true since I am conducting a background investigation. Thanks, the simplest way to prove the authenticity of a birth certificate, is for us to request a new certificate. With our rush service we can search for the record, obtain a new certificate and have it legalized and apostilled by the Dominican Foreign Ministry in Santo Domingo which will serve as legitimate proof that the birth record is genuine.

I need to find out my parents' names for my family tree. Please complete the form on this page and we'll quote for our services.

Click here to check out our prices and to order a Dominican Republic birth certificate.

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